Join us for a free 2-day workshop, facilitated by Yahad—In Unum educators, to learn more about this unknown chapter of Holocaust history and its contemporary implications.
Interviewing a Witness in UkraineNina, Ukraine
Most students learn about the concentration and death camps of the Holocaust, but few are aware that more than 1/3 of the 6 million Jewish people and thousands of non-Jewish victims targeted during the Holocaust were murdered in fields, forests, and ravines in the former Soviet Union and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Many of these sites remain unknown, unmarked, and unrecorded to this day.
During this workshop, you will:
Learn about the fate of the Jewish communities in the former Soviet Union and the mass shootings in which they perished, known today as the “Holocaust by Bullets”
Discover Yahad—In Unum’s investigative work in the archives and in the field: the organization has interviewed over 7,400 eyewitnesses to those crimes, and it has identified over 3,000 killing sites in Eastern Europe
Investigate excerpts from eyewitness testimonies and how these can be used to enhance students’ critical thinking skills. Get an overview of educational tools which will help you address this part of Holocaust history with your students
Learn about contemporary mass crimes investigated by Yahad— In Unum: mass killings of the Mayan population in Guatemala and the Yazidi genocide in Iraq
Details about the workshop:
Workshop is free
Substitute reimbursement will be paid up to $80 per day
Breakfast and lunch will be included each day
16-hour of CEU credits available through PowerSchool (AL Teachers)
Certificates of Completion will be provided
Registration is limited to 40 teachers, with initial preference going to Alabama teachers
After September 9, registration will be open to non-Alabama teachers
PowerSchool Section #453447
UABRIC-Holocaust By Bullets in Central and Eastern Europe
Parking is available in the deck behind Temple Emanu-El. Access is from the alley off Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. South (21st Street South).
Please park on level 2 or above.