Teacher Cadre
Teacher Cadre: “Why? Explaining the Holocaust” by Peter Hayes, Part 2 of 4
Facilitator Ann Mollengarden, AHEC Education Coordinator Mike Gadilhe, teacher, John Carroll Catholic High School Description This session will focus on Chapters 3 and 4 of the text. Please have these chapters read before attending. RSVP Teachers: Please RSVP to the AHEC Office and let them know if you plan to attend. Teacher Resources PowerPoint by...
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Teacher Cadre: “Why? Explaining the Holocaust” by Peter Hayes, Part 3 of 4
Facilitator Dr. Clark Hultquist, University of Montevallo Amy McDonald, teacher, Shades Valley High School Description This session will focus on Chapters 5 and 6 of the text. Please have these chapters read before attending. RSVP Teachers: Please RSVP to the AHEC Office and let them know if you plan to attend. Teacher Resources PowerPoint by...
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Teacher Cadre: “Why? Explaining the Holocaust” by Peter Hayes, Part 4 of 4
Facilitator Dr. Janek Wasserman, University of Alabama Dr. Dominique Linchet, former teacher, Alabama School of Fine Arts Description This session will focus on Chapters 7 and 8 of the text. Please have these chapters read before attending. RSVP Teachers: Please RSVP to the AHEC Office and let them know if you plan to attend. Teacher...
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Teacher Cadre: Beware the Beginnings-The Power of Nazi Propaganda
Facilitator Dr. Dominique Linchet Description We will explore the ways in which the Nazi propaganda machine prepared Germans for the war and ultimately genocide. RSVP Teachers: please let the AHEC office know if you plan to attend. Teacher Resources Dr. Linchet PowerPoint - "Beware the Beginnings: The Power of Nazi Propaganda"
Teacher Cadre: The Holocaust in Historical Context
Facilitator Blake McKinney, PhD Candidate, University of Alabama Description We will explore the conditions that made the Holocaust possible. RSVP Teachers: please let the AHEC office know if you plan to attend. Teacher Resources Blake McKinney's Prezi Presentation: "How Did It Happen: The Context" Blake McKinney's Outline
Teacher Cadre: Onlookers
Facilitator Dr. Janek Wasserman, University of Alabama Description We will explore collaboration and its consequences. RSVP Teachers: please let the AHEC office know if you plan to attend. Teacher Resources Dr. Wasserman's PowerPoint: Onlookers
Teacher Cadre: The Mobile Killing Units – A Case Study of Liepaja, Latvia
Facilitator Ann Mollengarden, AHEC Education Coordinator Description Based on a recent webinar created Echoes & Reflections, we will examine a single documented case study: the Latvian city of Liepaja. Using documents, photographs, and films as fragmentary sources, we will try to understand the actions of those involved. CEU Credits (2 hours) are available. STI-PD No....
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Teacher Cadre: Teaching a Difficult Past – The Holocaust and Jim Crow
Facilitator Robby Ballard, The Altamont School Description With new resources surfacing including the New York Times’ “1619 Project” and the Equal Justice Initiative’s “Legacy Memorial,” we are all faced with re-examining our past. So, too, with the Holocaust as the the USHMM unveils it’s “Americans and the Holocaust” exhibit. This discussion will focus on how...
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Teacher Cadre: Community, Complicity, and Conversations at Mauthausen Concentration Camp
Alabama Holocaust Education Center 2100 Highland Avenue South, Suite 101, Birmingham, AL, United StatesFacilitator Mindy Walker, Holt High School Description Mindy recently returned from the JFR European Study program where she visited Mauthausen. Upon her return she has created a lesson incorporating this history and examining local complicity at the time. Join us to learn more about this Austrian camp. CEU Credits (2 hours) are available. STI-PD No....
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CANCELLED!! Teacher Cadre: Teaching the Holocaust with Resources from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Alabama Holocaust Education Center 2100 Highland Avenue South, Suite 101, Birmingham, AL, United StatesUS Holocaust Memorial Museum Teacher Fellow Logan Greene will be exploring new strategies for addressing the educational guidelines of the USHMM and navigating their newly revamped educational website. Also, enjoy a Q & A with clergy from Temple Emanu-El. This session is appropriate for all teachers including new and experienced teachers as well as pre-service...
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Teacher Cadre: Americans and the Holocaust
ZOOM OnlineWhat did the US government and the American people know about the threats posed by Nazi Germany? What responses were possible? And when? Explore these issues and more. Teacher Resources PowerPoint: Americans & the Holocaust Based on the USHMM Online Exhibit, "Americans & the Holocaust"
Teacher Cadre: The Importance of Teaching Holocaust Literature to Middle and High School Students
ZOOM OnlineDr. Sterling will explore why it is important to teach Holocaust literature (including drama and fiction) to middle and high school students, as well as methods of teaching the literature effectively. He will discuss personal connections, empathy, teaching strategies, ways of creating meaningful discussions, and various Holocaust literary works that students like and that function...
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Teacher Cadre: The Struggle for Jewish Equality before the Holocaust
ZOOM OnlineFor many people, anti-Jewish and antisemitic violence is crystallized in the Holocaust, but they do not know how it fits within the larger narrative of Jews' centuries-long endeavor to become citizens with equal rights. In this talk/workshop, Dr. Meola will introduce the struggle for Jewish emancipation alongside a different view of Jewish history, one that...
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