2017-18 Community Education Series, Session 1
An adult education series based on the book “Why? Explaining the Holocaust” by Peter Hayes. We will explore each of the 8 chapters, one per session. Participants are asked to read the selected chapter prior to each session. Light refreshments will be served.
Class Size: Limited to 25; preference will be given to full-series subscribers
Number of Sessions: 8
Cost: $100 for entire series (includes hard-back copy of book); $20 for one-time drop-in (subject to availability)
To Register: Call the AHEC office: (205) 795-4176, or email: info@ahecinfo.org
Session 1 | Tuesday, October 3 | Chapter 1: “Targets: Why the Jews?”
Facilitator: Rabbi Douglas Kohn, Temple Emanu-El
Session 2 | Thursday, November 2 | Chapter 2: “Attackers: Why the Germans?”
Facilitator: Dr. Andy Millard, UAB
Session 3 | Thursday, December 7 | Chapter 3: “Escalation: Why Murder?”
Facilitator: Ann Mollengarden, Alabama Holocaust Education Center
Session 4 | Thursday, January 11 | Chapter 4: “Annihilation: Why This Swift and Sweeping”
Facilitator: Mike Gadilhe, John Carroll Catholic High School
Session 5 | Tuesday, February 13 | Chapter 5: “Victims: Why Didn’t More Jews Fight Back More Often?”
Facilitator: Dr. Clark Hultquist, University of Montevallo
Session 6 | Tuesday, March 13 | Chapter 6: “Homelands: Why Did Survivor Rates Diverge?”
Facilitator: Amy McDonald, Shades Valley High School
Session 7 | Tuesday, April 3 | Chapter 7: “Onlookers: Why Such Limited Help from the Outside”
Facilitator: Dr. Janek Wasserman, University of Alabama
Session 8 | Tuesday, May 8 | Chapter 8: “Aftermath: What Legacies, What Lessons?”
Facilitator: Dr. Dominique Linchet, formerly with Alabama School of Fine Arts
For Further Learning: VIDEO: “Why Did the Holocaust Happen? A Leading Scholar on Eight Questions” (1:38:56), featuring Peter Hayes