Taking Action Together: “The Holocaust’s Lessons for Identifying and Confronting Homophobia Today” with Dr. Jake Newsome
In our latest installment of Taking Action Together, Dr. Jake Newsome of the Pink Triangles Legacies Project will discuss the nazi persecution of LGBT people and the legacy of the pink triangle today. He will also provide viewers with resources you can use to take action against homophobia and transphobia.
The Nazi regime waged the most violent and deadly campaign against LGBTQ+ people in recorded history. Join us as historian Dr. Jake Newsome shares the 10 key lessons for understanding the Nazi persecution of LGBTQ+ people and its relevance for today. Attendees will also be equipped with resources that will help them confront homophobia and transphobia in their own communities.
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About Our Speaker:
Dr. Jake Newsome is an award-winning scholar of German and American LGBTQ+ history whose research and resources educate global audiences. He is the Founder and Director of the Pink Triangle Legacies Project, a grassroots initiative that honors the memory of the Nazis queer and victims and carries on their legacy by fighting homophobia and transphobia today through education, empowerment, and advocacy. Jake is the author of Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust (Cornell University Press), which traces the transformation of the pink triangle from a Nazi concentration camp badge into a global symbol of LGBTQ+ pride.
Since earning his Ph.D. in history, Jake has published in academic journals as well as popular outlets like the Washington Post, and often appears as a guest on podcasts, including Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness. In addition to serving as a historical advisor for film projects, exhibits, and plays, Newsome has been invited by the French, UK, and US governments to speak about the important lessons that LGBTQ+ history has for all of us today. He lives with his husband and son in San Diego.
Learn About the Pink Triangle Legacies Project
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