Herbert Blatt
Biography is currently unavailable. If you have any information to complete this profile, please contact us at 205.795.4176 or info@ahecinfo.org
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Name in US
Herbert Blatt
Name at Birth
Horst Joachim Blatt
Married Name
Herbert Blatt
Parents' Name
Johanna Mamroth
(1885 Gnasen, German – 1940 Leiden, The Netherlands)
Bernard Blatt
(1875 Tarnow, Austria – December 14, 1942 Auschwitz)
Married 1909 Berlin
Date of Birth
June 6, 1921
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Sibling(s) Name(s)
Heinz Ludwig Blatt (Elly Cohn)
(1910 Berlin – 1942 Auschwitz)
Rudy Albert Blatt (Ruth Herdle)
(1912 Schoeneberg, Germany – 1992 Brodheadsvile, Pennsylvania)
Spouse(s) Name(s)
Rose Lande
Married December 23, 1945 Birmingham, AL
Children's Names
Dr. Howard E. Blatt (Dr. Charla L. Jones)
Barbara Blatt (Martin Kessler)
Paul Blatt
Religious Identity (Prewar)
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Other Experiences
Entered the US Army on January 20, 1942
Year / City / Ship to US
September 13, 1938 / New York / SS Veendam
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
March 11, 2006
City of Death