1907 - 1987

Ludwig Cohen


Biography is currently unavailable.

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More Information

Name in US
Ludwig "Louis" Victor Cohen
Name at Birth
Ludwig Viktor Cohen
Parents' Name

Marianne Wolff
(1878-1941 Hamburg, Germany)

Viktor W. Cohen
(1868-1927 Neustadtgödens, Germany)

Date of Birth
October 6, 1907
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Sibling(s) Name(s)

Rose Cohen (Erich Meyer / Kingston, NY)

Julius Viktor Cohen (Vera Gaensler)
(1914-2010 Milwaukee)

Emma Cohen (Frank Sagace / Pittsburgh, PA)

Mary Cohen (Hugo Lamm / Baltimore, MD)

Bella Cohen

Wilhelm Cohen

Julia Cohen

Sibling #8

Spouse(s) Name(s)

Jenny Fried
Married January 1, 1940 in Hamburg, Germany

Children's Names

Victor Denny Cohen (Mickie)
(Born 1940 Hamburg, Germany)

Marion Cohen (Auerbach)
(Born 1942 Kingston, NY)

Religious Identity (Prewar)
Orthodox Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Conservative Judaism
Year / City / Ship to US
September 12, 1941 / New York, NY / SS Navemar
Date Moved to Alabama
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
May 16, 1987
City of Death
Hollywood, FL
City of Burial / Cemetery
Birmingham / Elmwood Cemetery
Dates Lived in Alabama