Henry Oppenheimer
Biography is currently unavailable. If you have any information to complete this profile, please contact us at 205.795.4176 or info@ahecinfo.org
More Information
Name in US
Henry I. Oppenheimer
Name at Birth
Isidor Heinrich Oppenheimer
Date of Birth
December 6, 1897
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Sibling(s) Name(s)
No siblings
Spouse(s) Name(s)
Never married
Religious Identity (Prewar)
Orthodox Jewish
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Orthodox Jewish
Other Experiences
During World War II, Henry hid from the Nazis in ditches and culverts along the road during the day and in the attic of a Belgium family at night. He did this for 3 years before he finally escaped to the US.
Year / City / Ship to US
December 2, 1947 / New York, NY / SS Nieuw Amsterdam
Date Moved to Alabama
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
November 24, 1988
City of Death
Athens, GA