David Perel
Biography is currently unavailable. If you have any information to complete this profile, please contact us at 205.795.4176 or info@ahecinfo.org
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Name in US
David Perel
Name at Birth
David Perel
Date of Birth
January 16, 1896
Country of Birth
Russian Empire
City of Birth
City of Birth, Alternate Names
Vilna became part of Lithuania in 1920, then part of Poland in 1922.
It returned to Lithuania in 1939.
Today known as Vilnius, Lithuania
Sibling(s) Name(s)
Dora Perel
(April 15, 1904 Berlin – April 10, 1937 Herborn)
Spouse(s) Name(s)
Dora Jacobsohn
(December 29, 1894, Jacobstadt, Latvia – June 22, 1985, Birmingham, AL)
Married January 28, 1919 in Frankfurt, Germany
Year / City / Ship to US
April 13, 1936 / New York, NY / SS Samaria
Date Moved to Alabama
1936 with 2 children; Wife Dora arrived 2 years later
Alabama City of Residence
Pinson, Birmingham
Date of Death
October 14, 1967
City of Death
City of Burial / Cemetery
Birmingham/ Elmwood Cemetery
Dates Lived in Alabama