Joseph Wilf
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Name in US
Joseph Wilf
Name at Birth
Josof Wilf
Married Name
Joseph Wilf
Parents' Name
Ella Kessler and Oskar Wilf
Date of Birth
January 10, 1925
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Sibling(s) Name(s)
Harry Chune Wilf
Bella Wilf
Died in the Warsaw Ghetto
Spouse(s) Name(s)
Elzbieta (Elizabeth/Suzy) Fisch
(1932 Lwów, Poland – ?)
Married June 28, 1949 in Augsburg, Germany
Children's Names
Zygmunt “Zigi” Wilf (Audrey Schwartz)
Born April 22, 1950 in Ausburg, Germany
Mark Wilf (Jane Frieder)
Born 1962 in New Jersey
Camp(s) / Year(s)
Siberian labor camp for duration of war.
Other Experiences
When World War II started, Joseph was deported to a Siberian labor camp with his brother and parents. All four survived.
His sister, Bella, died in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Year / City / Ship to US
July 6, 1950 / New York City / Plane N67548
Date Moved to Alabama
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
August 3, 2016
City of Death
Hillside, NJ