Josef Lengyel
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Name in US
Josef S. Lengyel
Name at Birth
Josef Schwarzmer Lengyel
Date of Birth
September 2, 1898
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Spouse(s) Name(s)
Hildegard (Hilda) Anna Dorothea Lampe
(March 16, 1894 Hamburg, Germany – February 17, 1951 Woonsocket, RI)
Married September 2, 1937 White Plains, NY
Religious Identity (Prewar)
Orthodox Jewish
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Orthodox Jewish
Other Experiences
Margaret Veitl studied opera in Vienna with Josef Lengyel, and she re-connected with him when she moved to Birmingham
Year / City / Ship to US
February 17, 1936 / New York, NY / SS American Trader
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
May 12, 1977
City of Death
Tampa, FL