1912 - 1981

Dora Kahn Lewy


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Name in US
Dora Kahn Lewy
Name at Birth
Dorothea Kahn
Married Name
Dora Kahn Lewy
Parents' Name

Minna Gottschalk
(1877 Niederzissen, Germany – 1944 Auschwitz)

Josef Kahn
(1967 Niederzissen, Germany – 1942 Theresienstadt)

Date of Birth
January 13, 1912
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Sibling(s) Name(s)

Max Kahn
(1901 Niederzissen, Germany – 1942 Auschwitz)

Frieda Kahn (Hermann Berger)
(1902 Niederzissen, Germany – 1998 Selma, AL)
Emigrated to Selma, AL

Salomon Kahn (Grete [Margarete] Friedman)
(1904 Niederzissen, Germany – 1993 Cali, Colombia)
Emigrated to Palmira, Colombia then later moved to Cali, Colombia

Julius Kahn
(1905 Niederzissen, Germany – 1974 Selma, AL)
Emigrated to Shanghai, then to Selma, AL

Jetta Kahn (Leo Abraham)
(1907 Niederzissen, Germany – 1942 Maly Trosinec, Belarus)
Daughter, Ruth, also died at Maly Trostinec.

Julia Kahn
(1909 Niederzissen, Germany – 1909 Niederzissen, Germany)

Lina Kahn
(1910 Niederzissen, Germany – 1942 Auschwitz)

Sally Kahn
(1914 Niederzissen, Germany – 1973 Palmira, Colombia)
Emigrated to Shanghai, then to Palmira, Colombia

Spouse(s) Name(s)

Ludwig Lewy
(1910 Leiwen, Germany – 1983 Selma, AL)
Married December 13, 1938 in Trier, Germany

Religious Identity (Prewar)
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Other Experiences

Dora’s parents, Josef and Minna Kahn, were sent to Theresienstadt. Josef died there. Minna was then sent to Auschwitz where she was killed.

Dora also lost three siblings at the hands of the Nazis: two in Auschwitz and one with her husband and child at Maly Trosinec outside of the Minsk Ghetto.

Dora emigrated to Shanghai, China in 1939 with her husband (and one or two of his brothers) and her brothers, Julius and Sally.  In Shanghai, Dora worked as a seamstress, and she would carry her sewing machine across the city, passing Japanese guards on her way to work.

After the war, Sally went on to Colombia where his brother Salomon lived, while Dora, Ludwig, and Julius traveled to Selma, sponsored by Dora’s sister and brother-in-law, Frieda and Hermann Berger of Selma.

Year / City / Ship to US
January 21, 1947 / San Francisco / SS General Gordon
Date Moved to Alabama
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
December 16, 1981
City of Death
City of Burial / Cemetery
Selma, AL / Live Oak Cemetery
Dates Lived in Alabama