1970 - 1967

Stella Klebe Susman


Biography is currently unavailable. If you have any information to complete this profile, please contact us at 205.795.4176 or info@ahecinfo.org

More Information

Name in US
Stella Klebe Susman
Name at Birth
Stella Alice Klebe
Date of Birth - Note
June 4, 1897
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Spouse(s) Name(s)

Friedrich (Fritz, Frederico, Fred) Maier Susman
(1889 Landau, Germany – 1980 Mobile, AL)
Married December 13, 1920 in Frankfurt, Germany

Year / City / Ship to US
January 1948 / New York, NY / SS Vulcania
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
June 2, 1967
City of Death
City of Burial / Cemetery
Mobile / Springhill Avenue Temple Cemetery