1930 - 2018

Lora Stern Coleman


Biography is currently unavailable. If you have any information to complete this profile, please contact us at 205.795.4176 or info@ahecinfo.org

More Information

Name in US
Lora Stern Coleman
Name at Birth
Hannalore (Hannelore) Stern
Married Name
Lora Stern Coleman
Parents' Name

Hedwig Israelsohn (1896-1977) and Arnold Stern (1895-1954)

Date of Birth
September 20, 1930
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Sibling(s) Name(s)

Heinz (Henry) Julius Stern (Roslyn Brock)
(1931 Westheim, Germany – 2014 Opelika, AL)

Spouse(s) Name(s)

Dean Alan Coleman

Religious Identity (Prewar)
Year / City / Ship to US
June 24, 1937 / New York, NY / SS Washington
Date Moved to Alabama
Alabama City of Residence
Date of Death
December 9, 2018
City of Death
Atlanta, GA
City of Burial / Cemetery
Atlanta / Crest Lawn Memorial Park